Strong Readers: Let's Go for a Paddle

SKU: Strong-Readers-GO-PD-EN

Language: English
Sale price$8.95 CAD


In this Level 10 illustrated by Bill Helin's 16-page book (6.5" x 5.5"), the animals decide to go for a paddle in their canoe. Suddenly, fog rolls in and the animals are worried. What do you know for sure about fog? *Perfect for grade 1

Let's Go for a Paddle is part of the Strong Readers: Set A series. Set A includes a mixture of both fiction and non-fiction books, from levels 1 through 10, based on the appearance, behaviours, and habitats of frog, bear, eagle, and raven. The fictional stories are about frog, bear, eagle, and raven with their friends in their respective habitats.

The Strong Readers are a guided/levelled reading series chock full of science, numeracy, social responsibility, language arts and oral language teachings. Strong Readers are rich with scaffolded text features and have beautiful illustrations and photographs. The entire series is interconnected and follows the cultural values of frog, bear, eagle and raven throughout.

This resource is also available in French: Allons pagayer

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