This blog excerpt was taken from our store: NEOS Overshoes Canada.
To read the entire article please click here. Outdoor occupations can expose workers to changeable weather conditions, some of which may compromise a person’s safety.
Freezing temperatures, rising water levels, and heavy snow and ice can make working outside hazardous for professional and residential labourers alike. It helps to have the right gear to combat these elements.
NEOS has been a leader in all-season protective footwear for 30 years. The NEOS Voyager Overshoe with Glacier Trek™ cleats provides weather/waterproof coverage for anyone working on outdoor job sites. It is the top pick for telecommunications line and cable workers, service people, and hydro technicians.
The cleated Voyager slips over existing footwear to safeguard against excessively icy or wet conditions. Designed with a built-up security heel for additional traction and support, these overshoes keep shoes and feet protected, dry and stable in the very worst conditions.
The Voyager Glacier Trek™ Overshoe is comfort rated for temperatures as low as -19°C. Each Voyager overshoe features an 11” nylon upper with waterproof inner membrane. The extra large gusset expands generously for easy on/off convenience, and adjustable clip belts and straps create a customizable fit.
The Vibram ninja outsole of each overshoe is fitted with 16 replaceable cleats to provide the strongest anti-slip traction available. A cleat wrench is included in a convenient inner pocket when cleat replacement becomes necessary.
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