“In the Spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” - Margaret Atwood
There’s something about Spring. It arrives on the air with the smell of rain and fresh soil. It glows in the lemon-yellow afternoon sunshine that feels a little warmer every day. Buds appear on the trees, the days get longer, and soon it’s time to put the winter back into its closet like a worn out overcoat. You are suddenly inspired to start working outside: yard clean-up, gardening, or maybe you just want to go for a nice long walk and splash in the puddles like a kid.

The Forager is a tall, unisex Muck Boot that can be worn three different ways, perfect for a variety of chores and activities in changeable weather. The patented Gaurden heel and toe provide extra durability whether you’re digging in flowerbeds or feeding the chickens, and the self-cleaning rubber sole means you won’t lose traction in mucky conditions. The nylon MuckSTOP drawstring collar can be extended to help keep mud and water out for an additional four inches.