Earthing is generally considered an active practice. We kick our shoes off to feel the cool green grass underfoot, or to walk along a sandy shore, with the waves lapping at our feet. We put a bathing suit on and wade into the ocean or dive off a cottage dock into a sparkling lake. Maybe we hug a tree.
Any nature lover will tell you that these experiences are rejuvenating, both physically and mentally. Now, science is finally beginning to catch up. Ongoing research shows that making these connections with the natural world both fortifies and heals the human body.

Grounding while you sleep with an Earthing Pillow Cover is an excellent opportunity for a prolonged earthing experience.

How Does It Work?
The Earthing Pillow Cover zips up over your pillow like a regular pillowcase. It comes with a grounding cord that attaches to the snap at the bottom corner of the cover. The other end of the cord plugs into a grounded outlet, which conducts the grounded current wired into your home. If using the Earthing Pillow Cover outdoors, the cord can plug directly into the ground.
Note: Grounded outlets have been the safety standard for electrical wiring in all structures since the 1960s. If your home’s outlets are not grounded, we recommend consulting an electrician.

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