Traveling is such an exciting experience. Not only does it provide us with an adventure or holiday, but it exposes us to different cultures and landscapes. It gives us the opportunity to challenge ourselves to create memories in new and sometimes unusual places.
If you’re like me, though, the biggest hurdle to traveling is packing.
Personally, I am someone who struggles not to over-pack. I love to explore new places, but I also like to have with me a versatile wardrobe and few comforts from home. I admire people who can stick to bare necessities and make do with just a back-pack or a duffel bag, because I really have to work at paring things down.

Key travel items:
- Travel documents
- Seasonal/appropriate clothing
- Devices (phone, camera)
- Medication/supplements/remedies
- Personal items

But there’s one vital thing missing from the above list. Can you guess what it is?
It’s easy to forget that power outlets are different in different countries around the world. Without a proper adaptor, there may not be a way to access a grounded connection for your earthing products and devices.

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