For centuries, It has been used to create everything from tools and cookware to coins and jewelry. Its conductivity makes it especially valuable, and its warm glow is unique among metals.
Copper also benefits the body — in more ways than one.
Copper Water Bottle
“Copper is a mineral that you need to stay healthy. Your body uses copper to carry out many important functions, including making energy, connective tissue, and blood vessels. Copper also helps maintain the nervous and immune systems and activates genes. Your body also needs copper for brain development.” - National Institutes of Health (NIH)
When water is stored in a copper vessel for several hours, copper ions are released. By consuming copper water, we can introduce its healing properties into our bodies.

- Assists with digestion, detoxifying and cleansing the stomach and gut
- Anti-inflammatory (relieves arthritis)
- Induces red blood cell production, strengthens nerve cells
- Reduces free radicals in the body that damage cells and cause illness
- Helps the body absorb iron
- Contains anti-microbial and anti-viral properties to strengthen immunity

Our new 650 ml Copper Bottles come in an assortment of designs and colours, both playful and classic. Simply pick your favourite! With a screw-top lid and non-slip base, these bottle can go anywhere you go!

- Fill copper bottle and store in a cool place for 8 hours before drinking (do not refrigerate the bottle)
- The best time to drink copper-stored water is in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Moderate your consumption. Drinking water from a copper bottle once or twice a day is sufficient — more than that may be too much.
- Take breaks in between drinking water from a copper vessel to allow the body to flush out excess copper (ie., two months on, one month off.)

Order your Copper Water Bottle online today!
Copper Jewelry
Copper can also be therapeutic when worn ornamentally as a bracelet or band. As an ancient remedy for arthritis, a magnetized copper bracelet is believed to promote blood circulation and alleviate joint pain through magnetic therapy.
Engraved with striking Indigenous artwork, this copper band is crafted in open-cuff style with two healing magnets.
The Whale motif was designed by Haida artist and metal crafter Gordon White. In his own words: “Our art is central to our culture and speaks to who we are as a people. Sharing art offers insights into our connections with the natural world.”

Visit our website to view the collection and order online:
- Please note that while some people may derive benefits from wearing a copper and/or magnetic bracelet, the effects are not universally experienced.
- Magnetic jewelry is not recommended for those with a pacemaker, defibrillator, insulin pump, or any other electrical medical device in the body.
- Although there is little data available showing evidence of harm, wearing magnetic jewelry is not recommended during pregnancy or nursing.

The Sacred Feather set features copper earrings and a matching copper bangle, each engraved with Indigenous etchings and embellished with ruby-toned crystals.

Sacred Feather was designed by self-taught Coast Salish artist Simone Diamond, who says: “I create art that connects me to my family, our traditions, and our spirit of continuity.”

The corresponding bangle is a 0.4” wide open cuff with engraving on copper plate and a 10mm ruby-coloured crystal. (Note: this bracelet is not magnetic.)

By ordering this unique and spiritually powerful set, you are also contributing to an important cause. Partial proceeds from the Sacred Feather Jewelry Collection are provided to organizations supporting Indigenous women and children in wellness and healing.
Sacred Feather Copper Bangle:

We invite you to explore our new copper products and enjoy their distinctive beauty, artwork, and healing powers!