It isn’t often you can get the whole family to agree on one thing.
Whether it’s music, books, hobbies, sports teams, TV shows, fashion... everyone in the house is going to have a different opinion, based on their generation, interests, etc.
Traditional-style moccasins are one of those rare examples of that elusive universal appeal. When designed with the additional features and comforts of a slipper, you have something every member of the family will enjoy wearing.

I polled several friends (and kids) about what they’re looking for in a slipper, and here’s what they said:
Moccasin Slippers for Men
40-Something Father of two: “I think I’d want something that doesn’t feel like a shoe; like I can put my feet on the couch without having to take them off... that sort of thing. I also don’t want something that’s going to look worn out or fall apart really fast.”
Moccasin Slippers for Kids
7-Year-Old Boy: “I don’t want anything with laces.”